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Sleep meditation for Sacral Chakra healing and body mind relaxation. Using Binaural Beats, the 963 HZ Sacred Solfeggio Frequency and music therapy techniques.

963 Hz

This tone awakens any system to its original, perfect state. It is connected with the Light and all-embracing Spirit, and enables direct experience, the return to Oneness. This frequency re-connects you with the Spirit, or the non-vibrational energies of the spiritual world. It will enable you to experience Oneness – our true nature.

Binaural Beats

Binaural beats, or binaural tones, are auditory processing artifacts, or apparent sounds, caused by specific physical stimuli. This effect earned greater public awareness in the late 20th century based on claims coming from the alternative medicine community that binaural beats could help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity and other desirable mental states. The effect on the brainwaves depends on the difference in frequencies of each tone (in this particular video we use frequencies of the Delta and Theta range which will induce Deep Meditation, relaxation, NREM Sleep, Deep Dreamless Sleep and loss of body awareness).
The brain produces a phenomenon resulting in low-frequency pulsations in the amplitude and sound localization of a perceived sound when two tones at slightly different frequencies are presented separately, one to each of a subject's ears, using stereo headphones. A beating tone will be perceived, as if the two tones mixed naturally, out of the brain.

Binaural beats reportedly influence the brain in more subtle ways through the entrainment of brainwaves and provide other health benefits such as control over pain

NuMeditationMusic youtube channel is devoted to create a new collection of LONG MEDITATION MUSIC videos for you to relax and enjoy in your daily meditation. In our channel you will find MUSIC playlists dedicated to BINAURAL BEATS, CHAKRA MEDITATION, BUDDHIST MEDITATION and SHAMANIC MEDITATION. Our goal is to enhance your experience of MEDITATION, ASTRAL PROJECTION, LUCID DREAMING and DEEP SLEEP. Check out our selection of PLAYLISTS:


A collection of chakra meditations for balancing & healing all the chakras (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat,Third Eye and Crown chakra). This playlist also includes Healing meditations.


A collection of Buddhist Meditation Music for Positive Energy. These mixes are very peaceful and include monk chants of buddhist monks. We also use Tibetan Singing Bowls and these mixes are influenced by Zen Meditation Music.


A great resource for Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection. The influences of this playlist come from relaxing ambient music, space music and binaural beats. This is also a sleep music playlist.


We use binaural beats several times for this kind of sleep meditations. Our music is also written with the Sacred Solfeggio Frequencies like the powerful 528 Hz. These frequencies will induce deep states of relaxation and the binaural beats will stimulate deep meditation states.


We love shamanic music, specially Tuvan Throat Singing and Native American Shamanic Music. These healing meditation tracks will definitely take you on a spiritual journey.


These are simple meditations for beginners or when you don't have much time to meditate. We include Mindfulness, Zazen and Awareness meditations in these mixes.




Nu Meditation Music


Crown Chakra Image by Sacred Centers, Anodea Judith and the website:

Published 23-04-2015

Most Powerful Third Eye Opening Meditation (8 Hour Sleep Cycle Track) - Third Eye Activation Meditation Music by Binaural Beats Meditation (Good Vibes)

This session will help you evolve your consciousness by opening and activating your Third Eye Chakra.If you are new to the subject plz take it slowly...and don't forget to keep your volume low as this sound track consists of Binaural Beats...If you have experience with Third Eye Opening Meditation then you'll find it very much helpful to reach a Higher State of Consciouness...

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© Good Vibes all right reserved.

💕 Lovemotives Meditation Music
⫸ POWERFUL ❯12000 Hz❮
⫸ Third Eye and kundalini Activation Music
⫸ Quantum Awakening Shamanic Drums
⟫⟫⟫ No Headphones Required


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with Millions of Souls
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💚 Message:
This music was created to help you connect both Third Eye and Kundalini into one Awakening.
With the power of Quantum Awakening frequencies.
Each one of us has different resonating frequencies so it is merely impossible to create music that works for everyone, however, we resonate all through love and so this music is made from the source of love with Quantum Miracle frequencies and specific frequencies that allows oneself to experience altered states such Third Eye stimulation while also your kundalini activation.

💚 How To Use This:
Play this on lower volume to allow yourself to concentrate on your achievements, while the music does the background work on your being. You can either just relax laying down, meditate or do your spiritual practices such as yoga, tai-chi and more.

▼L I N K S :::

❯ Official Websites:

❯ For an ASMR Moment Experience

❯ Second Music Channel for ASMR Miracle Manifestation

❯ For Wisdom Knowledge and Experience

❯ To Support this Channel to the Next Level

❯ Grab a Plan that best suits you:


❯ This Music has been tuned to A4 = 432 Hz and 60 Bpm
432 Hz Resonates with all the 7 Chakras and the Universe
Music based on 432Hz transmits beneficial healing energy,
because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature.

💚 Let the music of the spheres play inside you
432Hz unites you with the universal harmony


💛💜💚 Ivo Artur is founder and creator of
Lovemotives Meditation Music and other channels, such as:
ASMR Miracle Manifestation Music,
ASMR Moment,
Waao Love and Waao Nos Somos Todos Um,
one of the leading multi-sensory YouTube healing channels that spread messages of pure ascension and impact hundreds of thousands of beings worldwide.

Ivo Artur combines all angles of spiritual observation with wisdom, knowledge, and Experience to transmit messages of source consciousness and oneness through both sound and visual vibrational frequencies that offer profound transformations such as:
Awakening, Ascension, Awareness, and Activation.


#Lovemotives #MeditationMusic #QuantumMiracleMusic

Balance your crown chakra (sahasrara) with subliminal affirmations and Binaural Beats.
The crown chakra connects you with the universe and the source of creation. It is the gate to your higher self, your spirituality and the bridge between your physical being and your non-physical being.
Download audio MP3 version of this subliminal meditation here:

Opening your crown chakra will help you to experience a sense of belonging with the cosmos and everyone around you, feeling as a whole and not separated from others. Balancing crown chakra will enable you to feel deep sense of relaxation, joy and happiness.

The carrier frequencies are 480 hz and 432 hz with 12 hz of alpha brain waves, which are related to healing, mind/body connection, self-expression and mental clarity.

**Headphones are a must**
** Do not listen before/while driving**
** This session is not a replacement for any kind of therapy. Please consult with your health care provider**

Here are the subliminal messages of this session:
I am aware of my spiritual self
I am fully connected to my inner self
My being is intertwined with other beings and we all part of the universe
I am connected to my physical and non-physical realm of my existence
The divine energy of the universe flows to me and through me
I grow and evolve from my experiences and the people I meet
Everything happens for a reason and I embrace the changes in my life
I feel a powerful spiritual connection to my higher self
I am pure light and love
I am peaceful, relaxed and calm
I allow myself to receive all the good gifts the universe is sending me

Astralreisen (außerkörperliche Erfahrung) ist ein tiefer meditativer Zustand, indem der physische Körper verlassen wird und mit dem Bewusstsein auf Abenteuer in ferne Dimensionen geht.
Hier ganzes Album downloaden ►►

Zeitmarke: Vorspann überspringen ►►03:45

Weitere Infos:

Bevor du mit dieser Astralreisen-Meditation beginnst, stelle bitte sicher, dass du folgende Hinweise gelesen und verinnerlicht hast:

Hinweise zu diesem Meditationsalbum ►►

Hi, mein Name ist Andreas Schwarz, ich bin der Sprecher dieser Meditation und Betreiber dieses Kanals. Seit knapp 15 Jahren beschäftige ich mich intensiv mit Astralreisen und habe es mir zur Aufgabe gemacht, anderen Menschen beizubringen, wie man diesen Zustand erlernen kann. Um dies zu ermöglichen habe ich ein Buch geschrieben, indem ich all mein Wissen hineingesteckt habe.

Astralreisen Buch ►►

Da Bücher nicht für Jedermann sind und nicht jeder zu Beginn so viel Zeit investieren möchte, habe ich einen superinformativen Astralreisen-Videocrashkurs erstellt, indem die wichtigsten Informationen inklusive einer Kurzanleitung auf den Punkt gebracht werden. Diesen kannst du dir gerne hier ansehen:

Kostenloser Astralreisen-Videocrashkurs ►►

Sehr gerne möchte ich dir hier noch kurz vorstellen, was dich bei einer Astralreise erwartet: Während dein Körper in den Schlaf gleitet, verlässt du mit deinem wachen Bewusstsein die physische Ebene. Um dich herum beginnt alles zu schwingen und zu pulsieren. Sobald du deinen Körper verlassen hast und in die Astralebene eintrittst, stellst du voller Erstaunen fest, dass Bewusstsein und Körper voneinander getrennt existieren können. Dir wird klar, dass ein Leben nach dem Tod möglich ist.
Dein Verstand beginnt zu transzendieren. Als Bewusstsein, Seele oder Geist, kannst du nun ohne physischen Körper durch Raum und Zeit reisen und physikalische Gesetze brechen. Die Astralebene, die wie eine Parallelwelt erscheint, steckt voller Geheimnisse.
Die Möglichkeiten die beim Astralreisen offen stehen sind schier unbegrenzt. Du kannst im exakten Spiegelbild der physischen Welt durch alle Wände schweben, deine Freunde besuchen, von einem Ort zum anderen fliegen, die Vergangenheit oder Zukunft bereisen, mit verstorbenen Verwandten sprechen, uvm.
Uralte Schamanenvölker oder auch tibetische Mönche nutzen diese Fähigkeit, um an verborgene Informationen aus der Astralwelt zu gelangen, um beispielsweise ihre Mitmenschen zu heilen oder sie in ihrer persönlichen Entwicklung zu unterstützen.

Gerne Empfehlen wir dir auch die geführte Meditation fürs Luzide Träumen:

Meditation: Luzides Träumen ►►


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