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POWERFUL Pineal Gland activation with 936Hz solfeggio frequency, Third eye opening with binaural beats meditation music.

When you meditate your third eye may show itself to you without you even trying. However, if you consciously want to see it, you should, during meditation, concentrate on your third eye area (between your brows). However, you should not focus on this area too intensely. You just have to be aware of that area.
When you concentrate on your third eye area, you’ll start feeling a tingling sensation or a slight pressure/vibration in that area. This always means that the third eye chakra is awakening, no matter how small pressure/vibration you’re experiencing.

After some days, or even the same day of you trying to see the third eye, you may start seeing the colors of it. You may straight away become aware of your third eye, but that doesn’t happen often.

With the opening of your third eye chakra your sixth sense sharpens and you become more in tune with the universe. Your personal traits may not change much, but you’ll have a greater knowledge of this world and others.

How to know that you awakened your third eye?

You can be assured that your third eye is awakened if you close your eyes and can see:

White/blue/purple colours
Intense white dots
Black sky with numerous stars
The shape of the eye/square/circle/some other shape filled with blue or purple colour
These are all signs that you’ve awakened your third eye.

If you feel the pressure or some activity in your third eye chakra, that means that your third eye is being awakened and soon you’ll be able to see with it.

How long does it take to open the third eye?

It’s not a question of how long it takes to open. That’s a relative question. Technically if you think of the third eye seeing potential, actually strangely means the third is never 100% open, We use our main physical senses to see what is real. Rather it’s a skill, that a person can refined and develop over an entire lifetime.

What open means is: that a person considers the third eye to be reliable enough that they trust to what they see from it. That measure of trust varies greatly from person to person.

It’s important never to rush the process of learning the third eye. Don’t get lost in all the potential you see with an open third eye. With patience consolidate your practice into more concise routines. Otherwise in potential ideas will blend together to create something different and misleading.

Because we want to validate our third eye is open, people often share raw ideas and visions before they really have had the time to process them properly.
When talking with others, slow down and don’t overwhelm them with too much all at once otherwise

(1) What you experience gets distorted,
(2) People are pushed away from you to further isolate you
(3) You get frustrated in the break down of communication
(4) Frustration generates conflict and ironically more frustration that then limits your third eye absolutely.
(5) You end up taking it to places further away from a grounded and healthy life.
(6) You end up closing your third eye, because you cannot validate the potential you see.

Doubts disrupt, dispel and close the third eye very easily. Take the time to explore and be patient so you don’t push it too far from reality. Staying grounded is very important, when people get ungrounded, you lose trust and personal faith quickly. It’s fine to be excited, but many people will take your excitement the wrong way since they don’t trust their own truth. So share in a quieter manner and you will find people respond back in a stronger and more positive way.

It takes a life time to truly open the third eye. Patience and modesty allow you to take the time to work with your third eye at its own opening pace.

Check out our new chakra meditation releases
Chakra Meditations

A selection of our best Chakra Meditations for Balancing and Healing: Videos for the 7 Chakras and for each Chakra (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third eye and Crown). Aura cleansing meditations and long sleep Chakra videos.



Nu Meditation Music

Photo by H. Koppdelaney under the Creative Commons license

Sources: simonarich and personaltao websites


"Our mission is to write music that can impact you in a positive way because we believe music can change people's lives! We hope you enjoy, and We hope to connect with you again in the near future!"

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